A Yule ramble on a Environmental note

As Yule is nearly upon us and we most of us still celebrate Christmas in a traditional way.  My children always loved the idea they got some of their presents 4 days before anyone else, from old father yule, however others in the family gave them on Christmas day.  Here are a few tips for … Read more

Letter to the editor of Wales Online

***UPDATE*** Hello everyone, Today, I have received a response to my letter (below) requesting an apology and a change in headline from Paul Rowland, editor of Wales Online. I am very pleased to be able to tell you that he has apologised and the headline of the article has been changed appropriately – “I apologise … Read more

Thoughts from our Environmental Officer….

I have been recently been appointed as the environmental officer. Which for me makes very exciting times ahead. I sincerely hope that we all think about our green credentials and we think about our how we can be greener. If we all make just one small change think about how much  collectively the difference it … Read more

Pagan Weddings? Maybe?

The long awaited consultation paper from The Law Commission on weddings laws has been released today. Here we take a look at what their proposals are, what that means in practise for our community and how we can have our say in the final paper that will be presented to the government. Today, The Law … Read more

Caretaking our Sacred Spaces

A few weeks ago, I was sad to be told about an occurrence at the Shrine on Cocidius at Yardhope in Northumberland, in which someone had buried an offering, presumed to be Pagan, before the effigy of the god. I am by nature an optimist who likes to think that there is good in most … Read more

PF Podcast Episode 2 – LGBTQIA+ Pagans

As part of the Pagan Legacy Project, we spoke to some LGBTQIA+ Pagans about their shared and personal history as LGBTQIA+ Pagans in our community. Here’s our Podcast of that interview. Click Here for Anchor, Click Here for Apple Pod Casts, Click Here for Spotify other formats will become available

Meet the President – June 2020

New PF President Sarah Kerr is interviewed by Rich Blackett our Publications & Media Officer for the first of an intended sequence of podcasts from the Pagan Federation. Available from – Anchor, Apple podcasts, Spotify, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, Overcast Announcement on our Facebook page