A Yule ramble on a Environmental note

As Yule is nearly upon us and we most of us still celebrate Christmas in a traditional way.  My children always loved the idea they got some of their presents 4 days before anyone else, from old father yule, however others in the family gave them on Christmas day.  Here are a few tips for … Read more

Letter to the editor of Wales Online

***UPDATE*** Hello everyone, Today, I have received a response to my letter (below) requesting an apology and a change in headline from Paul Rowland, editor of Wales Online. I am very pleased to be able to tell you that he has apologised and the headline of the article has been changed appropriately – “I apologise … Read more

Thoughts from our Environmental Officer….

I have been recently been appointed as the environmental officer. Which for me makes very exciting times ahead. I sincerely hope that we all think about our green credentials and we think about our how we can be greener. If we all make just one small change think about how much  collectively the difference it … Read more