50th Anniversary – Online Pagan Arts Festival

***Announcement – This event is now postponed until 3rd September 2022***

All stall holders, speakers and performers will be contacted to offer them a move to the new date, or a refund on their stall fee.

All tickets that have been purchased will be moved to the new date or refunded if requested. Please contact us by email to 50events@paganfederation.co.uk if you would like a refund.

Pagan Arts Festival and Community Awards
@ The Kala Sangam Arts Centre in Bradford

We were determined to have at least one face to face event in this year’s programme and this is it. Our final event promises to be an extravaganza of the talent and brilliance that exists within our community.

Early Bird Tickets are now available from our Eventbrite page!
Click above for a PDF booking form that you can print, scan and email back to us

Featuring the following stalls, performers and speakers

Performers confirmed so far:
Mabh Savage

Speakers confirmed so far:
Rich Blackett – The Narrow Way – Inclusive Approaches to Wolf worship
Pip Lee Meer – How to be a Powerful and Protected Energy Healer
Dan Coultas and Debi Gregory – Editing and publishing; the dark art of turning writing into books Sif Brookes – Valkyries, Servant or Master?

Stalls confirmed so far:
The Besom Lady – Beautiful Custom Made Besom Stall
BeOutsider – Beautiful Alternative Jewelry & Accessories Stall
Witchcraft Folk Band Amarynthia –
Amazing Music Art By Sif – Beautiful Artwork Stall
Woodland Trust – Charity
Dan Coultas – Author
Children and Families Team – Aether Patches and Pagan families resources
Craft space for all ages

For any enquiries about this or any of our other 50th events, please email us on 50events@paganfederation.co.uk