
Safeguarding Policy


This policy applies to all Pagan Federation members, officers and volunteers, as well as all of our subsidiaries.

Anyone we are working with will also be expected to follow this policy even if we do not have direct jurisdiction over them, and if they do not we will take appropriate steps and cease to work with them as far as is possible.

The Pagan Federation is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk. Although at the present time neither body is a registered charity we wish to hold ourselves to the standards required of a charity in this matter.

This document is publicly available on our website

This policy only covers specific requirements for Safeguarding. Harassment, discrimination, bullying and similar behaviour within the Pagan Federation are covered by our codes of conduct. We fully endorse the principle that all people have the right to protection from abuse and harm, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation or religion.

Forms of abuse:

  • Bullying and Cyber Bullying
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Trafficking
  • Domestic abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Grooming
  • Online abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Modern slavery

Pagan Federation policy on events bearing our name

Any event under our name including commercial activity or the occupation of premises, or the organisation or direction of the public, will be properly managed, insured and staffed to ensure the safety of all volunteers, attendees and members of the public. This includes organising conferences, attending events with the Pagan Federation stall and any public open rituals. Any event in these categories is required to have a named Pagan Federation officer taking responsibility for safeguarding. That person will be either a District manager, a trustee or a specific authorised and suitably trained delegate of an officer in one of those categories (responsible officer in the context of the reporting procedures below).

Circumstances where we may come into contact with people

  • Pagan Federation events
  • Pagan events not under the control of the Pagan Federation
  • Outreach work
  • Online forums and Facebook groups
  • Chaplaincy

As a general principle, we will design and plan our activities and any associated data collection to minimise the risk of harm to everyone and specifically children, young people and adults at risk.

Specifically, any events bearing our name shall not involve any belief practices which contain nudity.

Events, both Pagan Federation and those not under the control of the Pagan Federation

Pagan Federation officers are expected to use their awareness at all events and raise any reasonable concerns they have in line with the reporting procedures below.

Outreach work

For the protection of both volunteers and the person being visited or supported volunteers involved in outreach work should normally work in pairs. Pagan Federation officers are expected to use their awareness in this context and raise any reasonable concerns they have in line with the reporting procedures below.

Online forums and Facebook groups

Details of this can be found in our Social Media Policy and Code of Conduct.


Chaplains are expected to follow the correct procedures of the organisation in which they work (hospital/prison/university) and to raise any concerns they have in line with the reporting procedures below.


All Pagan Federation officers and volunteers

All Pagan Federation officers are expected to be familiar with this policy, the basic training
material referred to below and to follow reasonable guidance issued in specific contexts with committee approval.

Volunteers at events are expected to make sure they understand and follow any briefing material given in this context. For Pagan Federation members, not doing so may lead to an investigation under the complaints process which may lead to membership being terminated. For those non-members it may lead to not being allowed to volunteer at any future event.

Reporting procedures

Any Pagan Federation member or officer with concerns regarding any person falling within the remit of this policy should raise them initially with the following person and in every case, they should complete a Safeguarding Incident Report Form to log with the Safeguarding Lead:

  • At an official Pagan Federation event: the Responsible Officer;
  • Event not under the control of the Pagan Federation: the Safeguarding Officer;
  • Outreach work: the relevant District Manager;
  • Online concerns: the Communications Officer;
  • Chaplaincy: the Managing Chaplain and the Chaplaincy Officer;
  • Or either of the Safeguarding Leads

If concerns falling within the remit of this policy are expressed to another Pagan Federation Officer by a member of the public or an external body, they should pass them on as above.

If anyone has concerns outside the remit of this policy the safeguarding lead Sarah Kerr or the second safeguarding lead Emma Shinn will provide advice if requested on reporting elsewhere.

All concerns will be taken seriously. The officer first expressing or receiving concerns shall
inform the relevant designated officer. The designated officer will log the Safeguarding Incident Report Form and liaise with the safeguarding lead or the second safeguarding lead and they will jointly decide who is then responsible for any further actions and inform the general secretary who will keep a formal record of the concern or complaint. This should include any details provided, the contact details of a person raising the issue and the decisions and actions taken including any response made to the person making the concern or complaint. The general secretary is also responsible for coordinating our internal complaints process or disciplinary procedure if required. At least two officers should be involved in the initial decision, even if one only has a reviewing role. This particularly applies if a decision is made either that a complaint has no substance or to take no action.

If for any reason an officer does not feel able to come to a view on the concern or to raise the matter with the officers suggested above, or if one of the officers suggested above is the subject of the complaint, it should be raised with the president, one of the vice-presidents, the general secretary or another member of the committee.

The overriding consideration in all decisions and actions will always be the welfare of any  children and young people involved. Depending on the nature, seriousness, and circumstances of the concern or complaint, the following actions are possible:

  • An investigation under the Pagan Federation Disciplinary Procedure (applies to  Pagan Federation members and officers);
  • Banning someone who is not a member from either helping at or attending Pagan  Federation events;
  • Raising the issue with the organisers of an event not under the control of the Pagan  Federation, or with other Pagan organisations;
  • Referral to the Police;
  • Referral to Local Authority Social Services;
  • Raising the issue with any official body responsible for supervising prisoners  released on licence.

Wherever possible the person who is the subject of the referral will be advised and their consent sought, unless doing so would increase the risk of harm to the person concerned.

Anyone who has raised concerns and feels they have not been addressed should contact         the relevant designated officer, and if they still have concerns after that, the President of the Pagan Federation.

The Safeguard Leads will seek independent consideration of safeguarding complaints to assess our actions and ensure that our processes are robust and handled within the boundaries of our set procedures correctly.

Failure to report reasonable concerns or to follow the above reporting procedure will be a disciplinary matter for Pagan Federation officers and volunteers.

Levels of training

Basic – for all Pagan Federation Officers and volunteers

All Pagan Federation officers are required to receive basic awareness training in safeguarding and protection. This may take the form of either attending a training session at a council meeting or elsewhere or of confirming that they have read and understood this policy and brief written training material. Line managers within the Pagan Federation are required to discuss this requirement and the associated issues with those newly appointed.

All those receiving the training will be expected to understand that abuse can take many forms as set out earlier in this document. The training will also, as a minimum, cover how those forms of abuse could present in a Pagan context and also faith-based abuse, forced marriage, racism, slavery and violent extremism.

Enhanced – for all officers and volunteers with direct responsibility for vulnerable adults

The enhanced training will ensure that officers and volunteers recognise and accept their responsibilities in identifying behaviours that cause harm. Effective and appropriate continuous supervision, support and training will be provided. This will also cover physical contact, developing relationships and safe practice.


The Pagan Federation is committed to safe recruitment, selection and vetting for those who work with vulnerable people. The Board of Trustees of the Pagan Federation accept their responsibility to be aware of the law in this area and the legislation and regulations that disqualify certain people from working with vulnerable adults.

Our selection process for those who work with vulnerable people will be designed to ensure those appointed have the necessary experience, skills and qualities and exclude those who are not suitable.

Unsuitable candidates are:

  • Anyone convicted of a sexual offense against minors and
  • Anyone convicted of any violent offense.

Wherever possible references will be sought either formally or informally, including, again where possible, specific questions about concerns regarding the conduct or practice of the applicant and whether these have read the formal disciplinary action or concerns.

Where an officer or volunteer is convicted of a criminal offence a risk assessment should be carried out before any continuing involvement with any vulnerable persons.
Wherever there is a legal entitlement to do so a DBS check will be obtained for:

  • Any PF officer or volunteer actively working with vulnerable people;
  • Any person who is a designated officer within this policy;
  • District managers;
  • Members of the Pagan Federation committee and directors of PFCo;
  • Designated responsible officers for Pagan Federation events.

Data protection

Pagan Federation officers are reminded that concerns or complaints involving children, young people or vulnerable adults will contain sensitive personal data to which data protection legislation applies, and they are required to adhere to the requirements of the law and maintain appropriate confidentiality following our Data Protection Policy.

All Pagan Federation officers are required to sign a volunteer agreement before they are appointed, which includes requirements to comply with all Pagan Federation policies, data protection law, and to maintain confidentiality.

Review and updating of this policy

This policy will be reviewed at least annually and the next target date is May 2025.

In addition any change to our activities working with people should trigger a review.

Designated officers of the Pagan Federation and their deputies

External and overall safeguarding lead
Sarah Kerr, email:

Second safeguarding lead
Second Vice-president and Advocacy Officer:
Emma Shinn, email:

Vice-president and Children and Families Officer:
Krys Holmes, email:

Chaplaincy Manager:
Christine Elliott, email:

Other Pagan Federation policies and documents applying to this policy:
Codes of conduct including online behaviour
Complaints policy and disciplinary procedure
Social Media Policy
Information Governance Policy
Contact details for reporting concerns
Safeguarding Incident Report Form
Safeguarding Reporting Procedure

Sarah Kerr
Pagan Federation President
External and Overall Safeguarding Lead
May 2024